War Victim

In shadows deep, where sorrow weaves its tale,
Lies a soul shattered, where hope and innocence fail.
A war victim, in the silence of the night,
Whispers of battles, and a world once bright.

Eyes once filled with dreams, now mirror the night sky,
Haunted by echoes of gunfire, where freedom used to lie.
A child, a mother, a soldier so brave,
Caught in the crossfire, with no soul to save.


Torn are the fields where once wildflowers bloomed,
Now stained with the blood of the lives consumed.
Families ripped apart, hearts heavy with despair,
In the cruel theater of war, life seems painfully unfair.


Yet amidst the ruins, a flicker of strength remains,
A spirit unbroken, despite overwhelming pains.
For even in darkness, there’s a glimmer of light,
In the resilience of those who continue the fight.


Let us weep for these souls, lost in the fray,
And strive for a world where peace will hold sway.
For in every war victim, there’s a plea to cease,
To nurture love and understanding, and let the world know peace.

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